
Monday, August 30, 2010

Uganda Elections 2011: The Voter, the Vote, the votes, and the Voted

Time for Uganda elections has come, as it is the custom, many people are so eager to get incentives from the candidates in return for votes. I am not a politician and i know that Uganda is going to bore me so much during this period.

There candidates will surely need my vote but i have to apologize early enough that i will not be able to vote any one. In all elections, the voter is the most important thing, but the candidates will only need the voter for his/her vote to get many votes.

So, the candidate swill make parties when they are voted, they will eat their money without thinking about me. I have also noted that many Ugandan politicians have not been of any benefit to me.

However, i wish all my Ugandan friends a good election time. Happy Voting Uganda. For God and my Uganda


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